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Website Development Process
Designing a website is a process, a process that we have mastered over the years. This allows us to do what we do best and allows you to do what you do best. As we move forward from a concept to design to a product you are in control.

Development Process
  • Initial Consultation: During this initial consultation, we discuss your goals, expectations and the targeted audience. We also layout a road map of the entire process. We begin to collect your artwork, content, logos or any other graphics you may already have. If you prefer, we can design the graphics and logos for you. we also get you to fill out a questionnaire which helps us in understating your requirements.

  • Design Mockup: Once we have enough information to begin, two sample Homepages are created for your approval. A navigation map is also designed. We continue to work on these samples until we have your full approval. Once a Home page is approved, we design the sub-page samples and get approved.

  • Prototype: We will post the entire mock up web site for your private viewing. Prototypes include all graphics and text but allow for clients to make minor modifications. All pages will be fully navigable. Graphics will have been optimized for fast loading. Web pages will be designed to fit the typical users screen.

  • Site Testing: We will test the entire site in both Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers to ensure all components are working correctly. The web site will be available for your private viewing on our server. We will solicit your final approval before publishing your web site to the Internet.

  • Marketing: At no additional cost to you, we optimize all the web pages for search engines. For a small fee, we can also design banners for you.

  • Web site Maintenance: To keep your customers coming back, a site must be updated on a regular basis. This service is available on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or as needed basis, and can be purchased in advance with substantial savings. If you purchase our Web Solution, we maintain your site free of cost.

  • Search Engine Optimization: Everyone wants to be at the top of the search engines. It takes more than just registering your site once with the various search engines. It requires consistent updates to your keywords, meta tags, and text of your website and re-registration with the search engine. Also, Search engines change their methods of operation and how they rank sites.

  • Domain Name Registration: Once a site has been designed, you need a domain name. A domain name is your electronic address. It is the best way for people to find you. It is typically www.YourCompanyName.com either you can register it yourself, or we can register it for you. We charge $15 per domain per year.

  • Going Live: Now that you have a custom website designed, optimized for search engines and purchased a domain name, it is time to go live. Either we can host your site or you can host it with any one else - choice is yours.

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